Donate to the
Boat and Canoe Club

The Club welcomes your donations of Time, Talent, and Treasure.  


The Club has events throughout the year and we are always looking for volunteers.  Each project takes an army to succeed. Pick one or more events you are willing to volunteer to pitch in on and we will have the event sponsor contact you to get involved. 

 Events include:

If you have time to lend a hand we would love to have you!  If you are interested in volunteering your time:


We are always looking for individuals with special talents to be a part of our very active Club.  We are looking for leaders in the following suggested activities:

Have a fundraiser idea? Email a brief description of the idea and we will put it on the agenda for our next meeting. Please realize that it's expected that you will involve yourself in the project.  


The Boat & Canoe Club is a Non-Profit, 501(c)(19) Organization.  We rely on your generous support donations which are tax-deductible.

Repair Building Settling

52 Week Club

Join the "52 Week Club." Pitch in a dollar a week toward building maintenance and repairs. "52 Week Club" donors are recognized on a continuous slideshow display in the lobby. Make checks payable to "ALMHA" with "52 Week Club" in the memo line. Mail to: ALHMA, 401 North Park St. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525

Our traditional July 3rd "Family Day" with food, live music, capped off by an amazing aerial pyrotechnic display! Donate to the Fireworks Fund: Make checks payable to "SAL 258" with "Fireworks" in the memo line. Mail to: ALHMA, 401 North Park St. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525

Please add me to the event e-mail list! I pledge to come to at least ONE special event, in the next 12 months, that I have not attended before, and to bring family and friends if I can!