Notes - Town Hall Meeting
Save the Building
April 8th 2024 Town Hall Meeting Notes
April 8th 2024 Town Hall Meeting Notes
Bryan Foster of Foundation Specialist was present to discuss a new proposal to address the buildings structural/settling issues. Mr. Foster looked at our soil boring tests and theorized that 30 foot piers would be needed to stabilize the building. A test pier was placed. The cost for the test pier was approximately $2400. Board members Bob Chapin and Isaac Mangione were present. At 28' he achieved 9100 lbs torque and stable strata. The test site was one of the worst corners (southwest corner?) of the building. Based on the results of the test pier Mr. Foster provided an estimate of $292,507 to stabilize the building. He believes an average of 30' piers is a realistic expectation. Some areas may need 25' piers and some areas may need 35' piers...they are placed in 5' increments.
Bob Chapin proposed that we consider doing the stabilization project in Phases given our lack of financial resources. To that end he asked Mr. Foster to break the estimate into two components. Mr. Foster presented an estimate for "Phase 1" in the amount of $141,217. This Phase would address the East/Bavarian Room side of the building and involve placement of 49 piers.
The work could be accomplished in 4 weeks. They would work in off times as to avoid disruption in B&CC activities. They can place 5 piers a day outside and 3 piers a day inside.
They could start as soon as the first week in May. Mr. Foster will secure necessary City permits.
Board members will vote on this proposal in an upcoming special meeting.
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